
Customized engineer clothes

We can easily identify to a first level competition team, independently of the sport it belongs, thanks to its professional and neat image to the smallest detail. As it is logical, these teams can take care of their image so much because they have big sponsors whose with their contributions they let them give this image, but on the other hand, we have to take into account that without this image, sponsors would not be interested on the team. So we can say that one thing is strictly joined to the other, a good image will make that sponsors interested on the team, but if we have good sponsors and we do not take care of our image, they will not agree with the team, because any company likes his logos to be present on a space where a good image branding is given.

So now the question we should ask would be: How can we apply this theory to non professional team? In Marina Racewear we can answer this question. Every team has the chance of giving a good image when being on competition and we are going to talk next is about customized engineers clothing. No one could imagina a team like Scuderia Ferrari with an engineer with a blue colour, another black and other red, because we will think this team is not doing a good job and we will have a distrust sensation.


Henceforth we can start thinking on our non professional team, which many times engineers are going to be friends or relatives from the pilots. In order to make engineets develop a correct job and everything’s perfect, they should work with the correct clothing to not take any physical risks and they feel comfortable. Garments like engineer overall, refueling overall, an apron, gloves, shoes, etc. are going to be important in order to makes things work on the best way.

All these garments for competition engineers are customizable and can be adapted to the colours and logos we wear in the car and truck or van. You don’t need to be a big structure to be able to customize engineers clothing. From an engineer overall to a refuelling overall, passing though aprons and even gloves are customizable.

In order to customize competition engineers clothing, you can send us your logos and we will send you a design approach which adapts  to the team’s corporative image. Once the order is requested, in Marina Racewear we get under way to transfer the user’s design into real.

In our website you can find all the info of these articles but do not doubt on contacting us in for any additional information you need.