FIA SuitRacing

Does FIA’s flame retardant overall expire?


Opossite to baquets, helmets and other accesories certified by FIA (Federation International de l’Automobile), Overalls and underwear certified by FIA do not expire after 5 years. Here you can find an official comunicate of RFEDA (Real Federación Española de Automovilismo) that ratifies it.

FIA overalls does not have expiration date

Starting this seasion 2017 a list of FIA’s manufacturers with an expiration date started to circulate, that expiration date is the date of RE-certification for manufacturers, it has nothing to do with the overall’s expiry.


What does the emboidery from behind the neck means?

The emboidered label of those garments tells us who is the manufacturer, the number of FIA’s type approval (RS.259.14) and the year where it was manufactured and declared to FIA. It is totally informative and it does not have any periodicity.

As a curiosity, it is sewed with flame retardant thread in order to be able to ascert who is the manufacturer after a fire in case of accident.


When do you need to change overalls and flame retardant garments?

As they are fire protective garments, in the case of detecting any defect (for example, tears, abrassion by friction, contact with fire, etc), must be replaced


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