FIA SuitRacing

Marina Racewear on social networks

Currently we can find a large majority of society linked to the phenomenon of social networks, the most common we could consider are facebook, instagram or youtube as they cover the largest number of users.

In addition, social networks are a good way of communication between people and companies, an easy and convenient way to bring the thoughts of the company to society, present products, answer queries from users, etc.

At Marina Racewear we also have our profiles on social networks, specifically on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Since we think it is a very positive formula to get closer to the public and to know the day to day of the company.

In the social networks of Marina Racewear we can find images of personalized FIA suits, news about the Elast1 technology, videos of how to make your own personalized FIA suit, how to choose the sizes of the FIA ​​underwear and many other things that can be known by visiting our networks

We consider that they are a good space to show the work done for teams and competition pilots that can be useful for a pilot to take ideas to make their own personalized suit. You can see what colors really look like, types of combinations, sizes of embroidery and everything that we may need to have a general idea of ​​the personalized suit that the pilot wants.

For what we can say is that social networks are a great communication tool and we invite you to know them to be able to follow the day to day of our work

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